New Synchroteam 50 released - now with real time notifications

New Synchroteam 50 released – now with real time notifications

One of the key elements in any field service business is the ability to keep in touch with customers. Communication contributes to creating trust between the company and the customer, and enables you to provide an even better service.

This is why in Synchroteam we’ve been working hard in the new version of our software, which is available for download right now. Synchroteam 50 now includes a new notification feature, with which you can send text messages (SMS) or automated email messages to your customers, and keep them informed about the status of their jobs.

New Synchroteam 50 released - now with real time notifications

Notifications by SMS / email

The notification feature enables you to set up different triggers and rules according to the current status of each given job (scheduled, started, completed). Therefore, each time a job changes status,  the customer receives a notification and is kept up to date at all times.

For each notification you can customize the type of message (email, SMS or both) and the recipient, and also use merge codes to personalize the message body itself. For example, whenever a technician starts a new job, the manager gets a text message, and when that job is finished, the customer receives an email message with a link to download the job report.

One thing you need to take into account if you want to use the SMS notification feature is that you must buy text message credit blocks from the Synchroteam application. The whole process is quite straightforward, but in case you have any doubts, you can take a look at the Notification connector activation and user guide. Also, you’ll find all the information you need about this new feature and the price of credit blocks on our website.


Other improvements

Notifications are the key feature in this new version of Synchroteam, but not the only one! Synchroteam 50 also includes important improvements in different areas. Some of them are:

Quickbooks connector. This connector has been updated, and now features increased speed and stability, support for longer line descriptions (more than 100 characters), option to use Synchroteam invoice numbers in QuickBooks, and support for US accounts with automatic tax calculation.

Time management. Now you can export timesheets in .CVS and Excel formats.

Word2PDF. Now you can give your PDF documents a more professional look thanks to the new tags for the integrated presentation tool. This includes documents such as job reports, credit notes, invoices and quotations.

Map view. You can now check the itinerary used to estimate travel times in the Map view.

Dashboard. Now you have the ability to export your scheduling preferences in Excel format.

Zoho connector. You can now choose your home area between .com, .eu or .cn.


Download the all-new Synchroteam demo now and start enjoying all the new features right away!

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