Customer support in field service: how to make it good and fast!

Customer support in field service: how to make it good and fast!

In today’s world, customers are not familiar with the concept of waiting. The immediacy of technology has spoiled them, and they’re used to obtaining what they want or they need right now. And of course, the same applies to customer support in field service. In fact, 66% of customers feel that valuing their time is the most important thing a company can do to provide them with good online customer experience.

Customers who get in touch with you don’t want to be put on hold or transferred from one agent to another, having to explain their issue a dozen different times. Essentially, when these people contact customer support in field service, they want their problem to be solved as quickly as possible, and with minimum or no effort from their side.

Customer support in field service: how to make it good and fast!

So in order to meet these high expectations, you need to be constantly investing in research and development, and find the best digital solutions to provide the best customer support in field service. One of them is probably a live chat platform, and here’s why.

Adopting live chat as part of your customer support tools enables your team to deliver the kind of fast, personal support your customers are looking for – and expect from your company!

No wonder live chats often obtain the highest customer satisfaction ratings, thanks to their speed and conversational nature. Plus, live chats platforms are usually quite simple to use for most people.


More information, better service

When someone contacts customer support in field service, like we said at the beginning, they usually expect immediate help. It’s in fact the main reason why they prefer live chat over other ways to obtain support.

However, sometimes it’s hard for the customer support agent to understand the nature of the issue. They lack background and context, and usually the customer has a hard time explaining all the technical details. This means that the first few minutes of the chat are wasted in just figuring out the issue, instead of fixing it.

If the live chat platform also supports image sharing, customers will be able to send actual pictures of their issue, which will help a lot in understanding what’s going on. Agents will be able to see what the customer is seeing, and decide which kind of help they need right away.


Helping right from the start

More often than not, a certain issue cannot be solved in just one customer support session. In those cases, the agent in customer support in field service needs to act as a link between the customer and the technician who is going to be in charge of the possible job. This back-and-forth communication is necessary to gather all the information, but can also mean a waste of time.

Live chats can also help with that, as they’re by nature a faster way to address the issue from the very beginning. Agents can ask the customer direct questions, looking for specific details, and obtain immediate feedback – something you don’t have, for instance, if your company only relies on email support. Also, with chat session replay, technicians can review all the information provided by the customer and make sure they take all the necessary tools and material when leaving for the job.

No matter what technology you use to provide customer support in field service, there’s one very important thing you should always strive for: quality. While customers do value fast support, this swiftness shouldn’t compromise the quality of service. Because it’s precisely a good customer support experience one of the main reasons these customers will decide to hire you again in the future.

Synchroteam helps you with customer support issues, but also with many other key areas in your field service company. Download the free demo now and see for yourself!

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