Our field service management app: features and benefits

Using a field service management app: features and benefits

Having a field service management app as part of the Synchroteam software solution has always been a priority in our team. The combination of a powerful field service management software with a handy mobile app helps increase work productivity. And this, in turn, has a positive impact on customer satisfaction and business revenue.

What are the main features in a field service management app? Which ones should you definitely consider when searching for one? Mobile apps can be a real asset in the field service business, but you also have to make sure you choose the perfect candidate, with the necessary features to cover your needs. Let’s take a look at what the right field service mobile app can do for your business!

Our field service management app: features and benefits


Field service management app: main features

As a cloud-based app, the Synchroteam mobile app for field service technicians delivers advanced features and can easily integrate with your existing accounting systems, as well as the ERP or CRM you may already have in place. Field engineers can check customer history, job documentation, inventory parts and more right on their mobile devices, while still at the job’s location.

Multiple visits are therefore reduced or eliminated altogether, something that’s even more important in pandemic times. Also, as there’s a permanent link with the staff back at the office, everyone can keep up to date with the job’s status in real time. The two-way information flow eases teamwork and helps complete more jobs more efficiently. 

Another important feature in any field service management app is the ability to manage work orders. The whole process is totally digitized, from the moment the order is created, until the customer is issued the invoice. In this way there are no risks of losing a work order or having to go back to the office because the technician forgot a document.

Our field service management app: features and benefits

Scheduling and dispatching is at the core of any serious field service business. A high-quality field service management app like Synchroteam’s lets company managers and field technicians work in sync: the former can schedule jobs in advance very easily, while the latter can check all the details of any job in their mobile devices. There are also tools to manage trucks and inventory, track technician’s performance, get instant driving directions and let the customer know in case of any unexpected delay.


Benefits of mobile apps in field service

Using a field service management app helps reduce the impact of poor connectivity while technicians are out in the field. Like we said before, the Synchroteam app is ready to work offline and keeps everyone’s productivity right on top.

Our mobile client uses an onboard enterprise customer database that remains fully operational even when there’s no network coverage. Data is stored in the device and automatically synced as soon as the connection is back. The encryption and transactional integrity that protects the whole flow of information is maintained even when the connection is lost.

Another immediate benefit is the possibility to accept and process payments through the app. The payment processing module in the Synchroteam field service management app, for instance, lets you invoice the client in just a few taps. Create the invoice, collect payment via credit card and send a receipt to your customer. The sooner the payment is processed, the sooner your company sees the benefit added to their revenue.

Last but not least, using a field service mobile app in these COVID-19 times helps maintain all safety regulations. With access to all the necessary information at the technician’s fingertips, most jobs can be solved in just one visit. And the payment module we just mentioned is totally contactless, thus minimizing risks.

Can’t wait to test all the advantages of a field service management app? Download the Synchroteam free demo right away!

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