Mobile field management solutions: top advantages

Mobile field management solutions: top advantages

As it happens in other business industries, field service companies face many different challenges. Not only for technicians themselves while they’re out in the field, but also for company managers. Being able to face and overcome those challenges is key for any field service business that wants to achieve profitability – and stay on top of it! Something that mobile field management solutions can help you with.

And what are those challenges, exactly? Among others, you find hard situations like miscommunication between the office and the field, inefficient processes, lack of flexibility to attend customer’s needs, too much unproductive time, too many return trips to finish off jobs…

Believe or not, one feature in any top-notch field service software, such as Synchroteam, can be a real asset in these situations. We’re talking about using mobile field management solutions! That is, a mobile app that helps you overcome all those challenges and become a more productive, profitable field service business. Let’s see how!

Mobile field management solutions: top advantages


Advantages of a field service mobile app

Most of the issues we mentioned above have their origin in one same cause: the lack of communication between teams and an insufficient sharing of information. This is why mobile field management solutions, supported by a powerful field service software tool, can be really helpful. The proper mobile app in the hands of a field technician may end up being the most useful item in their toolbox!

When field service workers use mobile field management solutions, they are automatically empowered. They can access all the information they need anytime, anywhere. They can minimize unproductive time and speed up paperwork and other processes. In other words, they’re a lot more autonomous… and productive!


Better communication for field service teams

Managing information properly is key for the success of your company. But if you use different software tools to manage work processes, it’s easy to lose information, make mistakes or have data only available from certain places. For instance, when you can check work orders or customer history only if you’re in the office.

Mobile field management solutions, on the other hand, prevent the loss of information, and help make data available for anyone working in the company, at any time. Solid field service tools like Synchroteam are built on a unified cloud-based system, which you can access easily via the mobile app. What’s more, you can also seamlessly integrate other platforms and online services, so that everything is under control in only one application.


More productivity across the company

In any field service company there are many processes that are not really that productive, but all the same necessary to complete the job. We’re talking here about things such as time tracking, travel logging and other types of paperwork.

All this reporting is just a lot easier if you use the right mobile field management solutions. For instance, the Synchroteam mobile app lets field technicians clock in, clock out, log travelling time, jot down work breaks and other activities. In this way, they can quickly get out of all necessary paperwork and focus on what’s important: their job. And, at the same time, the staff back at the office can keep track of this information in real time!


Better service for the customer

Sometimes the technician needs to go back to the job location due to numerous reasons. It could be some replacement part that they couldn’t check if it was in stock. Or maybe it was a forgotten document they needed for the job. In any case, multiple returns to the same site are obviously not ideal. They don’t project the most professional image of your company. Plus, they’re usually a waste of time and money.

Using mobile field management solutions highly reduces the chances of ever having to go back to a job site. Mobile apps like Synchroteam’s enables field technicians to check inventory, access any necessary information, review the customer’s history… in other words, speed up many paperwork-related processes. They can even invoice the customer right on the spot!


Mobile field management solutions are designed to make field technicians’ life at work a lot easier. But they end up having a very positive impact on the whole field service company. If you want to see it by yourself, download Synchroteam’s free demo!


Image by Lisa on Pexels

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