How to improve work order management with a field service app

How to improve work order management with a field service app

Let’s be honest: traditional work order management in field service companies is crippled with inefficiencies. Because when you base your business in hard copies that require your direct management, things are bound to go south. It’s just a waste of resources, and results are not that good either.

Don’t get me wrong here: some typical work order management processes work fine, as long as your company is not very large yet. Small day-to-day operations can also benefit from them. But as your business grows, these processes start to break. It’s suddenly a lot easier to lose information about projects or clients, and the time you need to invest in fixing work order management is just… too much.

So, what’s the solution then? You’ve come to the right place. Having a software-based work order management system like Synchroteam is essential for this kind of situation. It’s a digital partner that helps you integrate the management of work orders directly within your company workflow. Let’s see how that works!

How to improve work order management with a field service app


Improving work orders with field service software

When you use a software tool like Synchroteam you can easily optimize and speed up the complete work order management. Our application helps you simplify and automate all related tasks. And this immediately has a positive impact on the business as a whole. You will improve efficiency, create a better impression on your customers and, of course, increase revenue.

Being a cloud-based software app, Synchroteam can easily team up with other software tools you may already be using. As a result this integration, in the long run, brings a bunch of benefits to your field service company – besides improving work order management.


Benefits of field service software

  • Create reports in real time: when you create a new project or edit one that already exists, this information becomes immediately available for the rest of the team. This helps reduce delays and misinformation.
  • Use flexible forms: the forms you use in your new work order management tool will be highly customizable, so that you can adapt them to your requirements and needs. Let the tool work for you, not the other way around!
  • Be more accurate: having a software-based solution to manage work orders can decrease the risk of errors to a great extent. There’ll be a single work order file for each project, which everyone can access at any time.
  • Improve accessibility: thanks to the Synchroteam mobile app, the teams out in the field will be able to check on any data they need. The whole company database, always at hand!
  • Learn from your stats: you can use all the reports and statistics that the software creates to perform a deep analysis of the company. In this way you’ll have greater visibility of everything that’s going on.
  • Simplify invoicing: thanks to the automated work order management system, the invoicing system has never been faster. Your technicians will even be able to invoice customers right on the spot, via the mobile app!


Don’t waste any more time in work orders!

The best thing about using Synchroteam in your field service business is that you’re not only improving your current work order management system. In fact you’re also investing in time and money while you’re at it. Because you become more efficient, and thus can accept more projects in the same period of time.

Without any doubt, you’ll see the benefits of adopting a software-based work order management system in every step along your daily workflow. And this can only bring good things to your company, your team and your business results.


Want to learn more? Click here to download Synchroteam’s free demo and see it for yourself!


Image by Anete Lusina on Pexels

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