Let field service software help you!

Let field service software help you!

There are many reasons why an HVAC company may decide to include a field service software solution in their business strategy. Today, technology is helping in companies thrive in many different areas of industry and commerce, and the HVAC sector can be definitely included in this revolution.

Both your workers and customers can benefit from task automation, which enables technicians to complete jobs faster, and therefore helps you save time and money.

This article sums up some of the advantages your field service company can enjoy if you finally decide to adopt a field service software solution like Synchroteam for your daily workflow.

Better communication

One of the first advantages you’ll notice when starting to use a field service software in your HVAC company is the possibility to access any necessary information immediately, whether it’s documentation related to workers or data about any of your customers. In this way, no matter who takes care of any job, the technician will be able to access the customer’s history at once and offer them a better service.

Your customers will be positively surprised with your personalized and detailed care. Hey, don’t we all love to be treated as VIP? And, on the other side, your employees will love the possibility to access that information so easily, saving time – and surely a few headaches.


Working as a team

A field service software platform helps your employees be in constant communication with each other, no matter if they’re technicians attending jobs in the field or workers staying in the office for more bureaucratic tasks. And thanks to this always-open channel of communication, scheduling and job assigning is much easier.

Besides, you’ll also be able to know where is every technician at any given time, and more importantly, keep your customers up to date about any possible change, delay or reschedule in their appointment. And these are the little details that make you stand out of the crowd, you know…


Optimized routes

Managing all the jobs assigned to any technician in the team with the help of field service software has a clear advantage: being able to optimize all of their routes, so that when they leave the office you know for sure they’ll make the most of their time. Say goodbye to useless trips, wasting time and fuel!

Optimized routes will help you save time, and consequently offer a better service to your customers. Of course, your employees will also be happier, as they’ll have more productive work days – and no overtime!


Anytime, anywhere

An important feature you must always look for in your field service software solution is mobility. If the technicians out there in the field have a mobile app with which they can access all the necessary information to complete the assigned jobs, they’ll be able to offer a better service to your customers.

A software solution that can be accessed from any mobile device means that, for instance, if doesn’t matter if you forget a paper back in the office, and that a technician can locate a nearby workmate and ask for help if necessary.


A paperless office

Last but not least, one of the most important advantages of using field service software in your HVAC company is the possibility of totally removing paper from your daily workflow. If you digitalize your company, not only will you save tons of paper (and a few hundred trees along the way!) but also save all the necessary time to print documents… and find them once they’re printed and archived.

If that information is saved in digital format, you can access any data in literally seconds, either from your office or from your smartphone!

Would you like to start enjoying these advantages in your company right now? Download Synchroteam free trial!

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